Presenter Papers 2019


Please note, these papers have been submitted by the presenter and have not been edited or modified in any way by Early Childhood Australia. Upon request of some presenters, not all papers or videos have been approved for availability online. If you presented at the 2019 ECA National Conference in Hobart and your paper is not included below, please contact the conference secretariat via email.

Presentation Papers




Abdul Latif, Nurulhana Love, care, respect. Aligning values, dispositions and curriculum
Adamson, Elizabeth Perspectives on quality in Australian family day care
Alchin, Ian Driving improvement: The Challenges and complexities of leading and managing in the early childhood sector
Allan, Lewis Improving access to high-quality professional learning
Anderson, Karen Three faces of “Excellent”
Ashton, Jennifer From vision to action: Strengthening early years pedagogical practice in Tasmanian Department of Education contexts
Atkinson, Geraldine Ensuring equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the early years



Babicci, Radha Building social capital: Weaving life’s web
Bates, Hayley Strengthening professional identities through inquiry practices
Binstadt, Michele Bramble Bay culture in community: Closing the gap on kindergarten participation
Birch, Carita Bramble Bay culture in community: Closing the gap on kindergarten participation
Blow, Shana Bramble Bay culture in community: Closing the gap on kindergarten participation
Bobongie, Fiona Challenging governance in the early years: Creating a third cultural space for Aboriginal and Torres Islander Jarjums
Boyd, Wendy Employers’ perspectives of early childhood graduates
Boyd, Wendy Writing, Reviewing and using ECA publications in your setting for Professional Development
Brien, Jackie Writing, Reviewing and using ECA publications in your setting for Professional Development
Bromley, Tamara Let’s tell stories: Storytelling as a strategy in facilitating children’s literacy development in an early years classroom
Bryson, Annie Think Equal Australia: A global initiative that promotes equality, inclusivity and openness and respect to human diversity
Burling, Ainslie Think Equal Australia: A global initiative that promotes equality, inclusivity and openness and respect to human diversity
Byrne, Mitchell Improving the social and educational experience of children with autism in mainstream early childhood educational settings



Carrick, Michelle Building social capital: Weaving life’s web
Carroll-Lind, Janis Through their lens: The provision of quality early childhood education and care from the child’s perspective
Carter, Simone Think Equal Australia: A global initiative that promotes equality, inclusivity and openness and respect to human diversity
Castle, Paula Remote community provides perfect canvas for quality learning experience
Chamberlain-Ward, Sue Professional learning: Developing a learning organisation
Choikee, Kelita Remote community provides perfect canvas for quality learning experience
Clayton, Olivia Partnering with parents: Building quality relationships that benefit children
Coleman, Leora Strengthening professional identities through inquiry practices
Conley, Angela From conference to Quality. What does it take for a Keynote presentation to change practice?



Daly, Elizabeth Taking the early years, out of the early years
Dantanarayana, Shanika Creating a STEM inquiry lab
Davies, Karalyn ALL come out to play!
Davison, Linda Three faces of “Excellent”
Degotardi, Sheila Australian Keynote Address: Mind what you say! How talk contributes to learning in our youngest children
Dodds, Megan Coaching and mentoring: Translating self-regulation research into practice in two early childhood education and care settings
Dryza, Tess Working together for quality, equity and partnerships: Tasmania’s Strategy for Children – pregnancy to eight years 2018-2021
Dutney, Anna Educational leadership: At Mitchelton Pre-Schooling Centre we tweaked the model to build an effective process, culture and staff team



Elston, Lauren Improving access to high-quality professional learning
Errey, Sally Move Well Eat Well: Early childhood resources for professionals and families



Fenech, Marianne Employers’ perspectives of early childhood graduates
Fitzpatrick, Liesl Understanding copyright – Information session and Q&A
Fluckiger, Bev Barbara Creaser Memorial Lecture: Leading learning in the early years
Fox, Stacey The contribution of high quality early childhood education to the Australian economy
Fox, Marlene Driving social change through a relationship based approach to create an inclusive future for children of all abilities
Fuller, Annette Taking the early years, out of the early years



Gibbs, Alistair
A journey of bias: A whole-centre approach through anti-bias education
Gibbs, Leanne Leadership and innovation in the 21st Century: Future proofing early childhood organisations
Gibbs, Leanne Leading isn’t meant to be easy! A tool to support critically reflective leadership
Giebel, Kerri Growing strong early childhood leaders in Northern Queensland: A customised approach
Gilfillan, Lou
Building social capital of families and children through strength-based community engagement and partnerships
Glazebrook, Courtney
Embedding and valuing Indigenous world views in the early childhood curriculum
Gowers, Fay
Coaching and mentoring: Translating self-regulation research into practice in two early childhood education and care settings
Gujer, Michelle Leading isn’t meant to be easy! A tool to support critically reflective leadership



Hamm, Catherine Re-imagining educational leadership: Collaboration and vision
Hatzantonis, Zac The contribution of high quality early childhood education to the Australian economy
Haynes, Joanne Creating contemporary STEM learning ecologies to support transition
Highfield, Kate What technology statement? Exploring ECA’s Statement on young children and digital technologies, and its impact on practice
Holden, Gabby Leadership and innovation in the 21st Century: Future proofing early childhood organisations
Hunt, Jane The contribution of high quality early childhood education to the Australian economy
Hunter, Leanne Educational leadership: At Mitchelton Pre-Schooling Centre we tweaked the model to build an effective process, culture and staff team
Hydon, Catharine Ethics In Action: Exploring the great professional debates of our time
Hydon, Catharine Leading isn’t meant to be easy! A tool to support critically reflective leadership
Hyssett, Helena The business of early childhood



I’Anson, Carol Building social capital through community engagement and integrated service centres
Irvine, Susan Leading isn’t meant to be easy! A tool to support critically reflective leadership



Jones, Desley Executive function and language development: A reciprocal relationship
Jordan, Sharon Re-imagining educational leadership: Collaboration and vision
Joyce, Amelia It takes quality environments, relationships and practices for wellbeing to achieve excellence



Kerr, Heather InterG’s: A new perspective on creating inter-generational relationships within a family and children’s centre and the local community
Kochanoff, Anita Building social capital through community engagement and integrated service centres
Kynaston, Judy It takes quality environments,relationships and practices for wellbeing to achieve excellence



Lavercombe, Kim STEM Education in early childhood
Lockhart, Kay Outside the [sand]box: Safe, creative playgrounds



Macdonald, Amanda ELLA: A program to motivate language learning through digital play
Mahony, Linda Employers’ perspectives of early childhood graduates
Mascadri, Julia Early childhood educators’ ways of knowing: Calibrating intercultural knowledge, beliefs and practice
McCracken, Anna Driving social change through a relationship based approach to create an inclusive future for children of all abilities
McLean, Leanne Making children’s voices count: Are we ready to really listen?
McMahon, Andrew Remote community provides perfect canvas for quality learning experience
Medwin, Leeann Set up for success: Community engagement in early years through implementation of birth-to-five programs in Catholic Education Tasmania
Mendham, Meg The business of early childhood
Mercer, Robyn STEM Education in early childhood
Merzel, Nancylee ALL come out to play!
Mitchell, Megan Australian Keynote Address: The power of child rights: Every child, everywhere, every day
Morley, Donna Raising expectations: The positive impact of children being seen and heard in their community
Moss, Peter Keynote Address: From ‘Beyond quality’ to ‘Transformative change and real utopias’



Nailon, Di Taking the early years, out of the early years
Nichols, Susan From vision to action: Strengthening early years pedagogical practice in Tasmanian Department of Education contexts



Page, Sam Ensuring equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the early years
Paterson, Andrew The next generation of family day care educators
Peden, Michele Pedagogical leadership: An organisation’s approach to strengthening theoretical perspectives in everyday early childhood education and care practices
Pilsworth, Nicole Professional learning: Developing a learning organisation
Ploeg, Arian Leadership and innovation in the 21st Century: Future proofing early childhood organisations
Ploeg, Arian The infant and toddler learning community: Creating a space for early childhood professionals working with children up to three years
Purdon, Suzanne Working together for quality, equity and partnerships: Tasmania’s Strategy for Children – pregnancy to eight years 2018-2021
Pyke, Josh Understanding copyright – Information session and Q&A



Rakich, Tori Love, care, respect. Aligning values, dispositions and curriculum
Rawlinson, Karen Coaching and mentoring: Translating self-regulation research into practice in two early childhood education and care settings
Richards, Rhys Understanding copyright – Information session and Q&A
Rigney, Lester-Irabinna Australian Keynote Address: How do I improve my teaching to and through Aboriginal learners’ cultural strengths? Early educators’ reflections on using culturally responsive pedagogies in dialogue with Reggio Emilia principles
Roberts, Pauline Quality science education in the early years: A case study of engagement with the local community for authentic professional learning
Robertson, Leanne ELLA: A program to motivate language learning through digital play
Russell, Anna Partnering with parents: Building quality relationships that benefit children
Rutups, Julie Writing, Reviewing and using ECA publications in your setting for Professional Development
Ryan, Cassie Challenging governance in the early years: Creating a third cultural space for Aboriginal and Torres Islander Jarjums



Salamon, Andi Documenting ’emotional capital practices’ in infant and toddler pedagogy: Enabling participation rights, protection rights and agency
Samy, Sarojni Narragunnawali: Reconciliation in Education
Semann, Anthony Leading isn’t meant to be easy! A tool to support critically reflective leadership
Sinclair, Karen Presentation by the 2019 Doctoral Thesis Awardee: Re-positioning the self: Turning the gaze to disrupt and deconstruct understandings of cultural competence.
Smale, Jo Darebin Play Maps – Advocating for children’s voice
Sonter, Lisa Executive function and language development: A reciprocal relationship
Stonehouse, Anne Leading isn’t meant to be easy! A tool to support critically reflective leadership



Testro, Amanda ALL come out to play!
Todd, Rose The infant and toddler learning community: Creating a space for early childhood professionals working with children up to three years
Turner, Katherine Set up for success: Community engagement in early years through implementation of birth-to-five programs in Catholic Education Tasmania
Turner, Karen Creating a STEM inquiry lab



Upton, Jodi Building social capital in partnership with families: Key learnings from Tasmanian Department of Education Launching into Learning initiative



Walker, Michelle Three faces of “Excellent”
Weir, Liz The resilient mindset: Using the RESOLVE Method – a behaviour management approach supporting educators and children being in a resilient mindset
Woerde, Stephanie Narragunnawali: Reconciliation in Education



Yarnton, Kim Educational leadership: At Mitchelton Pre-Schooling Centre we tweaked the model to build an effective process, culture and staff team”
Yelland, Nicola Creating contemporary STEM learning ecologies to support transition



Zein, Shireen Building social capital: weaving life’s web