In 2021 we celebrate young children as citizens with rights. Throughout this conference we will explore how we respect and support those rights – particularly through play, play based pedagogy and child-informed practice. This builds on the QLD Branches leadership in the development of the 2014 Statement of Intent on Children’s Rights in Early Education and Care and over 60 years of celebrating ‘Under Eights Week’.
Conference presentations will be aligned to one or more of the following areas of inquiry:
Children are citizens from birth with civil, cultural, linguistic, social and economic rights. This stream focusses on children as active and engaged citizens connected to their communities. How are we supporting children’s agency and empowering their right to be heard?
There are many different perspectives on teaching and learning that we can draw on as educators and teachers, including a growing interest in understanding and incorporating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways as well as a rapidly expanding range of digital technologies. How can we engage with multiple perspectives to enhance practice and pedagogy?
Creativity and curiosity are two of the most important strengths children can develop to live resilient lives in a rapidly changing world. What do we know about the very best approaches to foster these strengths in the early years and in early education settings? Presentations may focus on collective practice that has influenced children’s capacity to achieve their learning potential.
What are the skills and knowledge needed for ethical leadership and how do we build the ethical leaders we need for the future? What is the role of leaders in supporting ethical practice throughout the early childhood profession and how does this inform our advocacy work?
Quality is dependent on workforce, professionalism, training and planning. How are political, social, cultural and economic changes enabling or constraining ECEC workforce? How do we build the capacity and capability to meet demands while still remaining innovative and agile to embrace the future? How do we support educator wellbeing to sustain a strong health?