Student Volunteer


Step up now

If you are a full-time enrolled early childhood studentTAFEs, RTOs and University—you are invited to volunteer at Australia’s leading national event for early childhood—the 2021 Early Childhood Australia National Conference, Monday 6 September – Thursday 9 September in Brisbane. 

We want Queensland-based early childhood students—enrolled full-time in TAFEs, RTOs and Universities—to join our friendly team and work alongside us at the 2021 ECA National Conference in Brisbane.

Why join our team?

By volunteering at the 2021 ECA National conference you’ll have access to thought leaders, keynote speakers and the chance to connect with future colleagues and employers! Learn about early childhood from the ground up. Network your way to your first career position.

What is in it for you?

All our volunteers receive special offers and amazing opportunities plus a certificate of appreciation. Your catering is covered along with attendance at some sessions plus receive a pass to the best early childhood networking event—the ECA Conference Welcome Reception.

You receive

Depending on numbers of shifts you sign up for at the conference you will receive great gifts and benefits:

  1. Individual Student Membership to ECA, plus subscription to Everyday Learning Series (EDL) (valued at $76)
  2. Journal
  3. A ticket to the Welcome Reception (valued at $90)
  4. Catering
  5. Access to live streaming and Virtual Delegate Pass (valued at $199)
  6. Certificate of appreciation

The following table outlines which of the above benefits you will be entitled to according to the number of shifts you volunteer:

  3 days 2 days
Individual Membership
Everyday Learning Series Subscription  
Welcome Reception
Virtual Delegate On Demand Pass
Certificate of appreciation


Please note: volunteers are required to work a minimum of an 8 hour shift, which will include appropriate breaks.

What do volunteers do?

Volunteers will help in a range of roles from registering delegates, as room and venue attendants to helping with the coordination of the event.

You can choose between 2 or 3 days and a number of roles. Learn more about volunteer roles here.

How can you register to volunteer?

Click here to download this form and fill in your details, then return to us via email to by 23 August 2021.

We will contact you if you have been selected.

Sign up today to volunteer. Be part of Australia’s leading early childhood event: the 2021 ECA National Conference in Brisbane.