Advertising in Conference e-Newsletter and Pocket Program

$1,020 to $1,950 (price depends on option selected; limited opportunities available)

Advertising opportunities are available in different formats and mediums.

  • Printed advertisement in the Conference Pocket Program: $1,950 for a full page or $1,020 for a half page.
  • Advertising banner in the Conference e-Newsletter distributed monthly to the ECA Events mailing list of more than 15,000 subscribers: from $1,215 to $1,510 per issue. Note: only one banner opportunity is available for purchase in each issue of the newsletter.

    purchase your package here!

    Top banner $1,510
    Bottom banner $1,215

    *All additional marketing opportunities are quoted inclusive of GST.

    Benefits include:

    • brand exposure among delegates, via the conference app and the Conference Pocket Program
    • advertisement in agreed ECA literature (artwork to be supplied by advertiser)
    • company logo (with hyperlink to website) published on the conference website.

    Contact Early Childhood Australia to discuss advertising opportunities:

    T: 02 6242 1800
