Silver Sponsor

$23,915 (limited sponsorships available)

The Silver Sponsor Package is suited to sponsors wanting value for money on a range of benefits, without the exclusive elements of the Platinum and Gold packages.

Sold—KU Children's Services

  • KU Children's Services

Overall benefits include:

  • company logo being prominently displayed on the:
  • Conference Pocket Program front cover
  • conference website home page and sponsors page
  • conference app
  • being named a Silver Sponsor in the Conference e-Newsletter—distributed monthly to more than 15,000 subscribers—starting up to 10 months prior to the conference
  • one complimentary exhibition booth and 10% discount on up to two additional booths
  • a complimentary quarter-page (horizontal) advertisement in one edition of ECA’s Every Child magazine—valued at $749
  • acknowledgement as a sponsor on slide presentations (your logo will appear onscreen before and after presentations in both plenary and concurrent sessions, in person and virtually)
  • first rights to Silver sponsorship of the 2026 ECA National Conference.

In-person benefits include:

  • two complimentary in-person registrations for the full conference, including welcome reception and farewell function
  • two complimentary dinner tickets
  • two complimentary exhibitor in-person registrations per stand booked (does not include access to conference sessions)
  • one guest invitation to the VIP Speaker and Sponsor Function (event to be confirmed)
  • a special ‘Sponsor’ name tag.

Virtual benefits include:

  • company logo displayed on the virtual event portal sign-in page
  • banner ad with hyperlink placed on the rotating sponsor banner at the top of the virtual platform for the duration of the conference and up to 60 days after (sponsor to provide the artwork)
  • sponsor listing on the virtual platform featuring PDF brochures and videos
  • two virtual delegate registrations.

Summary of package inclusions

(All prices include GST)





Prominent display of logo on the:
•       Conference Pocket Program front cover
•       conference website home page and sponsor page
•       conference app

Opportunity for company spokesperson to address conference delegates during the opening plenary session

Exclusive access to the conference delegate contact list:
•       Electronic copy will be sent two weeks prior to event
•       Electronic copy will be sent two weeks after the event

Acknowledgement by ECA National President or CEO during the closing session of the conference

Opportunity to chair a concurrent session

250-word company profile, logo and hyperlink to website published on the conference website

Promotional write-up of up to 400 words about your organisation/brand in the Conference e-Newsletter

Being named a sponsor in the Conference e-Newsletter—distributed monthly to 13,000+ subscribers—starting up to 10 months prior to the conference

Sponsorship acknowledgement on slide presentations

Complimentary advertising in ECA’s Every Child magazine:
•         Platinum—12 months (four editions) half-page ads
•         Gold—12 months (four editions), horizontal quarter-page ads
•         Silver—one  horizontal quarter-page ad in one edition

Complimentary exhibition booths:
•         Platinum—two booths
•         Gold—two booths
•         Silver—one booth

Complimentary conference registrations (including welcome reception and farewell function)

Complimentary dinner tickets

Guest invitation to the VIP Speaker and Sponsor Appreciation event

Special ‘Sponsor’ name tags

ECA Facebook and LinkedIn posts:
•         Platinum—five posts, including acknowledgement of sponsorship and location of company booth
•         Gold—one ECA Facebook post welcoming the sponsor

Company logo displayed on virtual event portal sign-in page

Banner ad and hyperlink placed on the rotating sponsor banner at the top of the virtual platform for the duration of the conference and up to 60 days after (sponsor to provide artwork)

Complimentary virtual registrations

Sponsor listing on the virtual platform featuring PDF brochures and videos

One daily 30 second pop-up video on virtual platform


First rights to sponsor the 2026 ECA National Conference at same level