
Early Childhood Australia (ECA) offers sponsors the opportunity to promote their business to a large national audience.

Sponsorship will give your products and services high-level exposure across the early childhood education and care sector and help you demonstrate your commitment and support for service providers and educators.

A range of promotional opportunities is available, including publication of branding in printed conference materials and on the ECA website, as well as placement at the 2025 ECA National Conference venue.

Benefits of sponsorship

ECA has designed the sponsorship packages to maximise visibility and impact, ensuring your investment is worthwhile. Sponsorship delivers many direct and indirect benefits for your business or organisation. These include:

  • promotion and brand exposure through extensive event promotion for up to nine months before the conference
  • the opportunity to engage and communicate with decision-makers in the early childhood sector (conference delegates include CEOs, senior managers and senior practitioners)
  • brand association—you will be associated with ECA and a highly respected event in the early childhood education and care sector
  • increased brand and product awareness through:
    • clever use of your exhibition booth (available with several packages)
    • the opportunity to chair a concurrent session (available with some packages)
    • opportunities to test or showcase a new or existing product, and communicate firsthand with your audience through exhibitions
  • trialling or developing marketing and sales activities
  • the opportunity to stand out from your competitors by taking up one of the exclusive sponsorship options
  • complimentary conference registrations and tickets for your staff—a valuable professional development opportunity for anyone working in the early childhood sector
  • networking opportunities with leaders in the sector, keynote speakers, presenters and other sponsors.

Working with our sponsors

ECA strives to ensure that all sponsors receive the appropriate benefits for their support of the conference. Prospective sponsors should assess the opportunities suggested in the Sponsorship and Exhibition document.

Please contact the organising team to discuss the package that is best for you. We are also able to create customised sponsor and exhibitor packages tailored to your specific needs.

Conference Organisers
Early Childhood Australia
P: 02 6242 1800
E: conference@earlychildhood.org.au


Made up your mind and ready to secure your sponsorship package for the ECA National Conference in Brisbane?

purchase your package here!



  • Modern Teaching Aids
  • G8 Education
  • KU Children's Services

Platinum Sponsor (Exclusive)


Sold—Modern Teaching Aids (MTA)

Gold Sponsor (Limited)


Sold—G8 Education

Silver Sponsor (Limited)


Sold—KU Children’s Services

Welcome Reception Sponsor



VIP Speaker and Sponsor Function Sponsor


International Keynote Speaker Sponsor


Australian Keynote Speaker Sponsor


Panel Sponsor


Wellbeing Zone Sponsor


Sensory Space Sponsor


Conference App Sponsor


Conference Journal Sponsor


Wi-Fi Sponsor


Name Tag Sponsor


Photo Booth Sponsor


Conference Pocket Program Sponsor


In-person Conference Scholarship Sponsor


Virtual Conference Scholarship Sponsor


Coffee Cart Sponsor

Price on application

Table and Chairs Sponsor

Price on application

Advertising and Marketing Opportunities

$1,020 to $1,905

Customised Sponsorship Packages

Sponsorship packages can be tailored to meet your specific requirements. Please contact the Conference Organiser to discuss a customised sponsorship package.

Early Childhood Australia
T:  02 6242 1800
E:  conference@earlychildhood.org.au


Please be aware that ECA does not sell delegate information to third parties. Our delegate list is only shared with our official contractors and select conference sponsors. Exhibitors and sponsors will have to comply with ECA’s Privacy Policy upon receiving information about our delegates. The information can only be used for the promotional purposes relevant to the conference.

ECA is aware that many across Australia have been receiving unsolicited emails from fraudulent business accounts or untraceable Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail accounts. The security of our delegates is of utmost importance to us and our aim is to make networking between our sponsors/exhibitors and delegates as secure as possible.

To learn more about our Privacy Policy, please email us at conference@earlychildhood.org.au or call us on 02 6242 1800.