Welcome Reception Sponsor

$44,940 (SOLD)

The welcome reception provides the ideal opportunity to showcase your company to all delegates in an informal environment. It is the first function of the conference that provides high brand exposure, as all conference delegates come together to catch up and network.



Overall benefits include:

  • being named a Welcome Reception Sponsor in the Conference Pocket Program and proceedings
  • company name and logo (with hyperlink to your website) published on the conference website and app
  • sponsor-supplied signage prominently displayed at the welcome reception (maximum two signs)
  • the option of displaying napkins branded with your company logo on cocktail tables, or other approved promotional material (to be supplied by the sponsor)
  • one ECA Facebook post welcoming you as the Welcome Reception Sponsor (ECA’s Facebook page has more than 136,000 followers).

In-person benefits include:

  • two complimentary in-person registrations for the full conference, including welcome reception and farewell function
  • three additional complimentary tickets to the welcome reception
  • one guest invitation to the VIP Speaker and Sponsor Function (event to be confirmed)
  • a special ‘Sponsor’ name tag.

Virtual benefits include:

  • company logo placed on the rotating sponsor banner at the top of the virtual platform for the duration of the conference and up to 60 days after
  • sponsor listing on the virtual platform featuring PDF brochures and videos
  • company logo displayed on the sponsor holding slide.